He Yingwei

Edit: Administrator日期:2022-08-26 12:22:22Views: 93831
  • 姓名:He Yingwei,性别:男,名族:汉族
  • Previous name:Date of birth:1960.08
  • 籍贯:Taoyuan County,学历:专科,党派:
  • Party time:Working Unit and position:Taoyuan County Yiwangxi middle school
  • Academic position:会员,District (Administrative Committee) :Taoyuan county
  • Affiliated society (Association) :Chinese Poetry Society Membership Time Membership Time:, Membership card number:
  • Affiliated society (Association) :Hunan Poetry Association membership Date: 2018.12, membership card number:
  • Affiliated society (Association) :Membership time of Changde Poetry Society: 2010.06, membership card number: None
  • Mailing address:Taoyuan County Yiwangxi middle school
  • Home Address:同上
  • Mobile phone number:13787888045,Email Address:无,Postal Code:415700
  • Wechat ID:
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
Copyright Changde Poetry Society of Hunan. All rights reserved
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Hunan Changde poetry Society

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